Azure AD - OIDC Setup

Guide for setting up SSO with Azure AD using OIDC

The Azure AD SSO integration allows for a centralised and secure login process for businesses that utilise Azure AD as their identity provider.

OICD allows you to set up an application in AzureAD to manage access to accounts in Hava.

Step by step guide

1. Go to Account Settings

2. Select SSO Config

From the menu on the left, select SSO Config to bring up the SSO Configuration screen

3. Select OIDC

Azure AD can use SAML or OIDC as the way to integrate their identity platform with Hava. From the two choices ('SAML' and 'OIDC') select OIDC.

4. Take note of the Service provider details

You should be presented with a screen showing you two sections, Identity Provider, and Service Provider. In this case the Identity Provider is represented by Azure AD and the Service Provider is Hava.

Take note of the Sing-in Redirect URL attribute in the Service Provider section, as we will use these when setting up Azure AD.

5. Navigate to Azure Active Directory

In the Azure Portal, go to the Azure Active Directory service, and select App registrations from the menu on the left side.

6. Start creating a new registration

Click the New registration button on the top of the screen to start the process for setting up a new application registration.

7. Register Application

You will be presented with a form where we will configure two values:

  • Give the application a name that people will recongnize (e.g.

  • In the optional Redirect URI

    • Select Web as the platform

    • And put in the Sign-in Redirect URL from the Hava OIDC configuration screen

Finally press Register on the bottom of the form. Leave the other values as they are.

8. Create a secret

Next we need to create a secret to secure the connection between Hava and AzureAD.

On the left menu, select Certificates & secrets and then under Client secrets click New client secret

9. Configure and Save secret

In the pane that opens, give the secret a descriptive name and select the expiry for the key

Press Add to save the secret.

10. Save the secret key

The value attribute contains the secret key that we need to provide to Hava, save that. Ignore the Secret ID , we will not be using that.

11. Get Application Details

On the overview page there are two values we will need.

Save the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID values, we will use those in the next step

12. Configure OIDC

Go back to Hava and press the Add OIDC Config button

In the form that comes up add these values:

  • Identity Provider Host: where TENANT_ID is substituted with the Directory (tenant) ID from step 11

  • OIDC Client Id: Application (client) ID from step 11

  • OIDC Client Secret: value from step 10

Press Save to save the configuration.

13. Enable Configuration

Last step is to press the green Enable button on the OIDC Configuration page. Once this is done, you are ready to test the SSO integration from Azure AD.

Last updated