GCP Supported Resources

Which Google Cloud resources are visualized on Hava interactive network topology diagrams.

Hava imports and visualises the key resources in your GCP Cloud Infrastructure projects.

Below is a list of the resources visualised. The resources that are not visualised can be found in the contextual attributes tab and are also visible when viewing the Hava List View

Resources Visualised

Compute Backend Service

External VPN Gateway

Compute Instance

Compute Interconnect

Compute Nat Gateway

Compute Network

Compute Router

Compute Subnetwork

Compute URL Map

VPN Gateway

DNS Managed Zone

Memory Store Instance

SQL Instance

Storage Bucket

Cloud Run Service

PubSub Topic

PubSub Subscription

Imported resources not visualised on your automated interactive cloud infrastructure diagram will appear within the attributes tab and on the Hava List View

Non Visualised Resources

Compute Address

Compute Autoscaler

Compute Backend Bucket



Forwarding Rule

Forwarding Rule Targets

Instance Group

Interconnect Attachment

Network Endpoint Group

Node Group

Packet Mirroring


Security Policy

SSL Certificate

SSL Policy

VPN Tunnel

When Hava creates your diagram it can also display network connections based on the meta data returned with the resource. So long as one resource has an explicit link to another resource, Hava will display a connection when a resource is selected, or using the Connections toggle in the view options.

Supported Connections

Backend Service to Instances

Backend Service to Cloud Run

External VPN Gateway to Target VPN Gateway

External VPN Gateway to VPN Gateway

Router to NAT Gateway

Router to Interconnect

Pub/Sub to Cloud Run

URL Map to Bucket

URL Map to Backend Service

URL Map to Instances

Target Pool to Instances

To view a comprehensive list of the visualised and non visualised resources imported from your GCP Project, use the "List View" while viewing your interactive diagram.

New resources are being added to Hava automated interactive diagrams all the time. Make sure to check back on your diagrams regularly. The diagrams poll your source data continuously and automatically update diagrams and record any changes in the Version History as they happen.

Last updated

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