Service Account
To connect to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) you will need to create a "Read Only Service Account" for your project and download the JSON key file to import into Hava.
Create a new service account
Log in to your Google Cloud Console. In the IAM & Admin menu, select "Service Accounts" :
Then select "+Create Service Account" :
Give the account a memorable service account name and an optional description :
Select Create, then in the Select a Role dialogue, Select Project and Viewer
Create Service Account Key
On the next page select +Create Key
Select the Key Type : JSON and Create
This will download the private key to your computer.
From the Hava Environments dashboard - select Add Environments
In the Import an Environment dialogue, select the Google Cloud Tab and Select Choose File and select the file containing the Private Key JSON file
Hava will then connect to your GCP Project, import the resources and create the interactive diagram.
Last updated