Cancel Account
How to cancel your Hava subscription.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, then please follow the instructions below.
Of course we'll be extremely sad to see you go and we hope there is nothing more we could have done to demonstrate the value Hava brings to any organisation with mission critical cloud infrastructure.
Occasionally people decide to leave because they believe Hava doesn't deliver the information they need.
However on detailed examination we've often found that the required feature or information the client was looking for was indeed present within the diagrams or attributes but we missed the mark explaining how to access it. Our bad !
We're constantly working to improve our user documentation, but occasionally due to the interactive nature of Hava's six layers of dynamic diagrams sometimes a feature that is already built in isn't obvious.
If there's a chance that that's true in your case, then all we ask is that before pressing the cancel button you hit up live chat and double check that we're truly unable to meet your needs. It would also be good to know if we are missing any fundamental functionality that would make your job easier.
With a very active development team constantly adding features and functionality, there's always the chance that the information or feature you need is already under development or on the product roadmap.
You can find live chat at the bottom right of this page.
Of course you are free to cancel anytime and say goodbye to :
Continous scans and automatic versioning. Your version history will be removed upon cancellation
100% accurate real time diagrams - view what's actually running vs what you think should be running
Massive time savings over using manual Drag & Drop 112diagram software
Security layer views
Instance level cost estimates
The ability to view what an environment looked like 6 months ago
The ability to view AWS, Azure &ΩΩ GCP on the same diagram.
No manual updating of diagrams every time a resource is added or removed
We could go on, but you get the picture.
Here's how to cancel your Hava automated interactive diagrams account :
On the top right, select your user icom and select "Account Settings"
There is a large "Delete Account" button - press this and follow the prompts.
You may be asked for some feedback. We would greatly appreciate any you can provide.
You can cancel at any time without notice & no further billing will occur.
Once you have cancelled, your account source credentials, data, diagrams and version history will be permanently removed.
Last updated
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