Getting Started with Azure
Getting started with Hava interactive network diagrams and Microsoft Azure.
Two methods are available when connecting and importing diagram data from Azure into Hava. Both ways produce the exact information required using Powershell or the Azure Portal.
The first time importing into Hava, you will be presented with a welcome screen with a container displaying "Import your own environments".
If you've imported before, there will be a different container, same as the right image below.
1. Add Environment
Simply click on the button.
2. Select Azure
From the left hand menu select Azure.
3. Create a new Service Principal
Here you will need to create a new Service Principal and retrieve a set of ids and secret keys using Powershell or the Azure Portal at
The recommended method to create your credentials is using Powershell. It can be run locally or directly from the Azure Portal, and offers a much simpler approach.
Guide to using Powershell
Guide to using the Azure Portal
4. Import
Once this is complete and the Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Client ID and Secret Key have been populated into Hava simply hit the IMPORT button.
Last updated