Getting Started with Kubernetes

Connecting your Kubernetes clusters to Hava

Kubernetes import is in private beta at the moment

if you are interested in testing this out, please reach out to the support team, and we will enable it on your account

The first time importing into Hava, you will be presented with a welcome screen with a container displaying "Import your own environments".

If you've imported before, there will be a different container, same as the image below.

1. Add Environment

Simply click on the ADD ENVIRONMENT button.

2. Select Kubernetes

From the left hand menu select Kubernetes.

Create a Kubeconfig File

To connect to your Kubernetes cluster you will need to obtain a copy of your existing kubeconfig, or create one.

We recommend creating a new read-only service account for Hava to access your cluster. Follow the link below for a guide on how to set that up.

Read Only Kubeconfig

Automatic Detection of Managed Clusters

Hava also supports automatic detection and import of your managed clusters running in AWS, Azure, and GCP. As long as your source has the permissions to access the cluster and the Kubernetes API is public Hava will create and import Kubernetes sources for you.

For more details on how to configure your source for automatic imports follow the steps in the following guide.

Automatic Import of Managed Kubernetes

Last updated