Environment Notes

The ability to add notes to each of your auto generated architecture diagrams is provided, so you can add whatever additional information you like to your diagrams.

Notes are accessed in the side panel to the right of each diagram

When you select Notes from the accordion side panel menu the latest 10 environment notes are displayed from newest to oldest.

If no notes are present on this diagram you will see this:

You can now add a comment and hit the post comment button.

To delete a note, click the garbage bin icon.

Once you have more than 10 notes against a diagram, you will get a See More option at the bottom of the notes list. Click that to load the next 10 environment notes.

User Tagging / Mentions to Email

You can mention team members in notes by typing @ followed by their name. A drop down will appear for you to select the known team member.

When you mention someone like this, they will receive an email notification that they have been tagged in the environment notes.

Last updated