Viewing Environments
How to view your AWS, GCP, and Azure auto generated diagrams using Hava
View diagram is the core functionality of Hava and is where you can view all the resources that are both visualised on the diagram and detailed in the Attributes list.
While the initial diagram view will show a simple logically laid out representation of the major resources in your cloud environment, the true power of Hava is the deep analysis of the resources and relationships between them.
Not only can you see the structure of your cloud architecture at a glance, you can drill down into each individual resource and see all the attributes, security, routing, estimated costs for that resource.
Selecting an Environment Diagram to View
To get started, from the Environments dashboard, select the environment diagram you wish to view by clicking on the tile.
This will open up the latest diagram.
Once connected to Hava, your cloud environment configuration is continuously polled. If there is a structural change detected, a new diagram version is created and the previous diagram is preserved in the Version History.
Each interactive diagram is constructed from the source of truth data, being the actual resources that are configured and running in your cloud environment. This eliminates errors or omissions often associated with manually created diagrams.
AWS architecture is laid out based on VPC Containers, availability zones and subnets, with external storage resources and gateways being detailed outside the main VPC containers.
External Resources
Clicking on any resource or box surrounding a VPC, Availability Zone or Subnet will populate the Attributes Tab with the attribute data pertaining to the selected resource.
AWS VPC Layout
Each AWS VPC Container is represented by a green border. Clicking the border or any blank area inside the VPC will change the Attributes tab data to the information pertaining to that VPC.
Building a multiple source diagram will enable multiple VPC containers to be displayed along side other cloud infrastructure such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform on the same diagram.
AWS Availability Zones
Availability zones set up in your AWS architecture are laid out in columns on the Hava interactive diagram.
AWS Subnets
Subnets within your AWS infrastructure are detailed within the availability zone that they are configured in.
Selecting the subnet by clicking the border or a blank area inside the border will display the subnet attributes such as availability zone, IP's, connected resources and estimated cost.
Azure Diagrams
Once you connect your Microsoft Azure credentials to Hava the infrastructure is analysed and Hava produces the interactive Diagram. From this point Hava will track changes and preserve a version history for auditing and problem diagnosis.
Environment - when this top level view is selected, the data source and total monthly estimate is shown
Virtual Network - contains resources such as load balancers, subnets etc
Subnet - Select a subnet and the attribute tab will display information such as the Network Security Groups the Subnet belongs to and Route Table information.
Resources external to a Virtual Network. In this example we have a Virtual Network Gateway, Local Network Gateway, Express Route Circuit and several Storage Accounts.
Attribute Tab - this displays attributes and their values that are contextual to the currently selected resource or network segment.
Interactive Diagram Export
Hava will export your cloud environment diagrams in several major formats.
Select the 'Export" button to open the export dialogue :
Select the required output format : Hava will prepare the download - once the "Export Complete" notification is visible, you can download the exported file.
Interactive Diagram View Options
These controls allow you to show or hide detail on your environment diagram.
By default the resource names and connections are suppressed to produce a clean diagram, but you are able to display these as required.
Display Names/Connections
Drawn Connections
When Hava creates your diagram it can also display network connections based on the meta data returned with the resource. So long as one resource has an explicit link to another resource, Hava will display a connection when a resource is selected, or using the Connections toggle in the view options.
For a list of supported connections see the supported resources for each provider:
Icon Sets
Hava also has the post 2019 current and pre 2019 AWS icon sets available for selection on the "View Options" dialogue.
Service and Capacity Information
The Container View will generally show one main cluster container around one or more service containers, showing the individual services that make up the cluster as well as the tasks running inside.
At the top of the container you can see information about the state of the container as well as it's location, while at the bottom you can see the name and the ID of the service. Clicking anywhere in the service will display all the services attributes in the right hand attributes panel.
Towards the top of the service you will see load balancing information if there are any load balancers connected to your containers. This will show the port and the container the load balancer is connected to for each task. Click the load balancer box to see more information about the target group or class load balancer that is attached.
Each of the tasks running within the service are shown as a hexagonal icon that can be clicked to see the information for the specific task. Tasks are displayed in different styles depending on their current state:
Green tasks are running successfully.
Yellow tasks are in a pending state, usually starting up or shutting down. You can click the task for more details.
Dashed tasks are spare capacity in the service, where the desired count is less than the running count.
Detailed Resource Information
Clicking on any resource on the diagram will display detailed information about that resources in the attributes bar on the right hand side. This can be used to get more detail on what the diagram is displayed.
From the main cluster you can see what services and tasks are running, as well as the container instances the cluster is spread across. If you are running in an EC2 cluster you will also be able to see the underlying EC2 instances.
From the service you are able to see the task definition it's using as well as deployment and placement information. You can also see a list view of all the tasks running within the services currently, and any load balancing available to those tasks.
In the task attributes you can see the containers running within the task, the container instance it's deployed onto, and the current status of the task.
Possibly one of the most powerful features of Hava especially from a fault analysis and governance perspective, versioning is built in and active from the moment you connect your cloud infrastructure and start building your interactive diagrams.
Hava polls your cloud infrastructure on an continuous basis.
Once a resource change is detected, a new version of the interactive diagram is created and the state change is recorded.
The Versions Tab can be found adjacent to the Attributes Tab.
The date is the date/time that the diagram was superseded due to a state change.
To view an archived diagram, simply select it from the versions list.
Having the version history readily to hand enables your engineering team, security team or compliance audit reports to accurately see the state of play at any point in time. Need to see how your cloud infrastructure was configured 6 months ago ? Hava has you covered.
You can use the compare revisions tool to instantly compare any diagram including the current one with any historical version. This "Diff Diagram" visually explains exactly what was added or removed from your architecture between the two dates selected/
Last updated
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